24 de septiembre de 2010

Present Simple Negative Verbs

Present Simple Negative Verbs

Click the answer button to see the answer.
  1. Tom ___ like chocolate ice cream.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  2. I ___ understand, do you?
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  3. Dr. Watson ___ smoke, does he?
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  4. We ___ like classical music very much.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  5. Sally said she ___ want it anymore.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  6. Mr. Hill ___ live in New York. He lives in Boston.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  7. Rice ___ grow in cold climates.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  8. They like cofee, they ___ like tea.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  9. We are new here. We ___ know him.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  10. Harry has bad breath because he ___ brush his teeth very often.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  11. We are rich so we ___ have to work.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  12. Dave speaks English, French, and German, but he ___ speak Italian.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  13. They ___ sell that brand anymore.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  14. It is really a cheap restaurant, it ___ cost much to eat there.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  15. I have a televison, but I ___ watch it often.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  16. That kind of earthquake ___ happen often.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  17. We live close to the sea, but we ___ go often.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  18. I love sumo, but I ___ like boxing.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  19. You ___ like me very much, do you?
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  20. My son ___ like skiing. He likes snowboarding now.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
  21. We ___ have time to do that on the way home.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't

(C) 1997 by Letitia Bradley

17 de septiembre de 2010

A or An?

El uso de los artículos A y AN en inglés suele acarrear algunos incovenientes, ya que depende de si la palabra siguiente comienza con una vocal o una consonante. Esta semana les ofrecemos este cuestionario para testear el correcto uso de los artículos.

Buena semana para todos!
Profesores del CUI

Click the answer buttons to see the correct answers.
  1. ___ eagle
  2. ___ arrow
  3. ____ ultra-violet ray
  4. ___ honest person
  5. ___ UFO
  6. ___ unidentified flying object
  7. ___ easy question
  8. ___ X-ray
  9. ___ SOS
  10. ___ university
  11. ___ umbrella
  12. ___ hour-glass
  13. ___ UNESCO office
  14. ___ SAT score
  15. ___ TOEFL score
  16. ___ black umbrella
  17. ___ yellow tag
  18. ___ ox
  19. ___ uniform
  20. ___ white umbrella
  21. ___ orange bag
  22. ___ igloo
  23. ___ orange sweater
  24. ___ ugly dress

(C) 2000 Violeta K. Tsoneva

10 de septiembre de 2010

Un poco de preposiciones!

At-On-In Used in Time and Dates

Click the answer button to see the answer.
Haga click en la flecha pra ver la respuesta.
  1. The train leaves ___ five minutes, hurry up.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  2. I'm going to America ___ April.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  3. He doesn't work ___ Sundays or Mondays.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  4. In England the shops shut ___ 5:30.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  5. She never feels very good ___ the morning.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  6. She is starting work ___ June 4th.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  7. What do you do ___ the evenings?
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  8. I can't sleep ___ night these days.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  9. Where are you going ___ the summer?
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in
  10. I was born ___ 1966.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. in

3 de septiembre de 2010

Un buen repaso antes de seguir adelante...

Hola a todos,
a 2 semanas de haber comenzado el Segundo cuatrimestre, les acercamos un repaso de los contenidos gramaticales principales que fueron viendo en el Nivel 1 del Ciclo Básico.
Mucha suerte en la cursada, mucho estudio... y atentos, que lo mejor del idioma está por venir!
Recuerden, la clase no es el teatro donde van a ver la obra que presenta el profesor, sino el escenario donde ustedes crean y recrean su propia realidad... pero "en inglés". Por lo tanto, a mayor creatividad, participación, empeño y estudio... lograrán muuuuchos mejores resultados.


Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas